What if...
We define cancer as a disease of evolutionary origin?
What if...
We accept that successful treatment of cancer will require dealing with ecology and evolution of tumors?
What if...
We can learn from mother Nature how it uses evolution to solve the biological problems and use this knowledge to develop entirely new class of drugs?
Aveta Biomics is pioneering a way to unlock the power of nature-inspired drugs. Our platform, powered by insights into evolutionary biology, creates the next generation of first-in-class immune-oncology drugs intended to provide a durable response to cancer patients.
Parag G. Mehta, PhD
Chief Executive Officer
Luis Z Avila, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
Martina Molsbergen
Chief Business Officer
Ajay Gupta
Executive Advisor
Prof. S. P. Kothari
Board Director
David Page
Board Director
Parag G. Mehta, PhD
Board Director
Peter Dolan
Board Director
Bharat Tewarie
Board Director
Thomas Rudolph, MD
Board Observer
Eugene I. Shakhnovich, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Daniel Hartl, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Anastasia Tousimis, MD, FACS, MBA
Scientific and Medical Advisor
Andrew Sikara, MD, PhD
Scientific and Medical Advisor
Joseph A Califano III, MD
Scientific and Medical Advisor