Pioneering Transformative Therapies to Make Cancer History

Nobody dies from cancer. Tall order but that is our vision. Anything as worthwhile as this is not going to be easy. Therefore, our mission is to develop first-in-class therapeutics that can do just that by thinking outside the box. To achieve our mission, we embrace a radically new thinking in translational medicine that promises drugs with unprecedented benefit/risk profile and durable response to patients suffering from cancer.
Two big problems in cancer are poor or no response and the development of the resistance to drugs. The tumors contain a diversity of cancer cells but most cancer therapies narrowly target only drug-sensitive cells in these tumors leaving other cancer cells to evolve into drug-resistant cancers. Our platform, based on insights into evolutionary biology, designs drugs that tackle the molecular heterogeneity of the tumors and prevent evolution of cancer cells into the drug-resistant cancers. These drugs are also intended to prevent primary malignancies in high-risk population and prevent secondary incidences in treated population. Prevention is always better than cure.